How it all started...
Contending for the Faith:
The History of Mission Ridge Bible Church
In the Fall of 2023 after much prayer and seeking the Lord’s guidance and wisdom, three men felt the calling of God on their lives to plant a church in the Chelan-Manson area. The new church was to be dedicated to glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through expository preaching & teaching on the full counsel of God, and to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once for all time handed down to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Ron Trickett, Tom Fix & Vance Boulanger were led by the Holy Spirit of God, to find each other and their shared calling and commitment to founding this church.
On October 21, 2023, this small group met in Wenatchee at the home of Pastor David Belcher and his wife, Anya. The group purposed that evening to share their vision for establishing a bible-teaching church that would gather and disciple a body of believers, united in Spirit and in truth, seeking to honor God through servant-leadership, fervent prayer, expository teaching, holy living, God-centered worship and doctrinal purity. This church was to live out the principles and model of a new testament church found in God’s word, primarily in Acts chapters 2 - 6, 1st Timothy chapters 3 & 5 and Titus. Their second purpose was to propose to Pastor Belcher that he accept the position of pastor of this new church. Pastor Belcher agreed to the proposal. The group of three stepped into their roles as the original elders of the church and Mission Ridge Bible Church was born.
They set to work straight away laying the foundation upon which this new church would be built. The
Lord provided others that were critical to the success of the church-planting team. Pastor David
Belcher’s wife, Anya, would become the worship music leader and social media/website manager. Elder
Vance Boulanger’s wife, Christine would take on the work of treasurer/accountant, hospitality and care
ministry. Daniel Avery stepped into the technical arts production role and would soon become the
fourth elder at the church.
The current leader of Deacons’ ministries is Jim Hawkins. Jim and his wife Debra jump in and do a number of critical ‘behind the scenes’ tasks from beautifying the church entryway to greeting folks as they arrive for church, to helping set up and take down the chairs at the grange and organizing the ushers for Sunday services
Other important people that provided critical support during the formation of the church plant:
Andy & Janine Elf – Andy & Janine found the time and energy to serve the Lord as our worship music leaders during November and December of 2023
Alex Thomason – Alex provided compliance support & counsel for filing our initial articles of incorporation
Gene Pearce – Gene became the fifth elder at the church and served in that role from January to March 2024
Rick Tomlinson – A prayer warrior and evangelist that brought-and continues to bring-lost souls to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Rick & Jean Plueger – hosted several church leadership team events, offered to do ‘whatever you need’ and became our first home group leaders
Olivia Rigg – Served alongside Anya Belcher as a singer on our worship music team, from December 2023 to March 2024
The History of Mission Ridge Bible Church
In the Fall of 2023 after much prayer and seeking the Lord’s guidance and wisdom, three men felt the calling of God on their lives to plant a church in the Chelan-Manson area. The new church was to be dedicated to glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through expository preaching & teaching on the full counsel of God, and to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once for all time handed down to the saints” (Jude 1:3). Ron Trickett, Tom Fix & Vance Boulanger were led by the Holy Spirit of God, to find each other and their shared calling and commitment to founding this church.
On October 21, 2023, this small group met in Wenatchee at the home of Pastor David Belcher and his wife, Anya. The group purposed that evening to share their vision for establishing a bible-teaching church that would gather and disciple a body of believers, united in Spirit and in truth, seeking to honor God through servant-leadership, fervent prayer, expository teaching, holy living, God-centered worship and doctrinal purity. This church was to live out the principles and model of a new testament church found in God’s word, primarily in Acts chapters 2 - 6, 1st Timothy chapters 3 & 5 and Titus. Their second purpose was to propose to Pastor Belcher that he accept the position of pastor of this new church. Pastor Belcher agreed to the proposal. The group of three stepped into their roles as the original elders of the church and Mission Ridge Bible Church was born.
They set to work straight away laying the foundation upon which this new church would be built. The
Lord provided others that were critical to the success of the church-planting team. Pastor David
Belcher’s wife, Anya, would become the worship music leader and social media/website manager. Elder
Vance Boulanger’s wife, Christine would take on the work of treasurer/accountant, hospitality and care
ministry. Daniel Avery stepped into the technical arts production role and would soon become the
fourth elder at the church.
- On November 5 ,2023, Mission Ridge Bible Church held its first church service at 10:30 a.m. at the Grange Hall in Manson, Washington. Eleven people attended the first Lord’s Day Sunday service
- Between November 2023 and February 2024, the leadership team established a monthly family lunch, elder training, men’s discipleship ministry, a mid-week Bible study, weekly prayer meeting, the church website, a worship music team, regular prayer and fasting for the leadership team, home groups, children’s church, and a growing deacons’ ministry
- On June 8, 2024, Pastor David Belcher sat for confirmation by an ordination council consisting of the Mission Ridge Bible Church elders and six members of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America International (IFCA International)
- On June 9, 2024, Pastor David Belcher was ordained by the elders and congregation of Mission Ridge Bible Church
- On July 7, 2024, Mission Ridge Bible Church held its first baptisms in Lake Chelan at the Manson Bay Park in Manson, WA. Rory Christiansen, Credence Cronin, Coco Cronin and Cash Cronin were baptized by Pastor David Belcher in an act of faith and obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
- On August 4, 2024, Mission Ridge Bible Church produced its first live-stream broadcast
The current leader of Deacons’ ministries is Jim Hawkins. Jim and his wife Debra jump in and do a number of critical ‘behind the scenes’ tasks from beautifying the church entryway to greeting folks as they arrive for church, to helping set up and take down the chairs at the grange and organizing the ushers for Sunday services
Other important people that provided critical support during the formation of the church plant:
Andy & Janine Elf – Andy & Janine found the time and energy to serve the Lord as our worship music leaders during November and December of 2023
Alex Thomason – Alex provided compliance support & counsel for filing our initial articles of incorporation
Gene Pearce – Gene became the fifth elder at the church and served in that role from January to March 2024
Rick Tomlinson – A prayer warrior and evangelist that brought-and continues to bring-lost souls to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Rick & Jean Plueger – hosted several church leadership team events, offered to do ‘whatever you need’ and became our first home group leaders
Olivia Rigg – Served alongside Anya Belcher as a singer on our worship music team, from December 2023 to March 2024

Expanding the vision...
Coming Soon!
Where we are headed...

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at
10:30 am at the Manson Grange.
10:30 am at the Manson Grange.